Thursday, September 27, 2012
School officials contemplate changing senior year
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Head of public instruction gives annual "State of Education" address
Roembke Manufacturing celebrates 35 years of business
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
ADA compliance could cost Ossian
Friday, September 21, 2012
Senate seeks interns for 2013 session
College students, graduate students or recent college grads who are interested in gaining valuable, hands-on experience in state government should consider applying for an internship with the Indiana Senate Republicans.
Benefits include:
- Earn a $700 biweekly stipend.
- Eligible to earn academic credit through their college or university.
- Apply for academic scholarships.
- Network in a professional environment.
- Internships are full-time positions that begin in late December and conclude at the end of the legislative session in April.
For more information about the legislative internship or to apply, click here.
Click here for additional information about internship opportunities in the Senate Communications Office.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
N-B Video: Democratic candidate visits Street Fair
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Indiana State Police to partner with DEA in fifth drug take back day
On Saturday, September 29th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Indiana State Police and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your medications for disposal to the Indiana State Police Post located at 5811 Ellison Road. The service is free, anonymous and no questions will be asked.
According to DEA (Fort Wayne) Group Supervisor Stephen T. Ribolla, last April Americans turned in 552,161 pounds—276 tons—of prescription drugs at over 5,600 sites operated by the DEA and nearly 4,300 state and local law enforcement partners. In its four previous Take Back events, the DEA and its partners took in over 1.5 million pounds—nearly 775 tons—of pills.
This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards.
Four days after the first event, Congress passed the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which amends the Controlled Substances Act to allow an “ultimate user” of controlled substance medications to dispose of them by delivering them to entities authorized by the Attorney General to accept them. The Act also allows the Attorney General to authorize long term care facilities to dispose of their residents’ controlled substances in certain instances. DEA is drafting regulations to implement the Act. “Until new regulations are in place, local law enforcement agencies like the Indiana State Police and the DEA will continue to hold prescription drug take-back events every few months” said Ribolla.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Synthetic pot believed cause of crash
Though state legislators passed a law this past session that more comprehensively bans the drugs, commonly called bath salts or spice, recently the attorney general made the following announcement.
INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana retailers can expect a formal notice and warning from state and local officials that continued synthetic drug sales could cost them their business.
Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry and Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller teamed up today to launch initiatives aimed at getting synthetic drugs like “bath salts” and “spice” off retailers’ shelves. According to a new state law, retail merchants – like smoke shops and convenience stores – caught selling the drugs will face penalties including the loss of their retail merchant certificate of business for one year.
“In joining forces with the Indiana Attorney General, we are sending a message that we will not tolerate the distribution of such obviously dangerous drugs in our community,” Curry said. “We are determined to put an end to the sale of synthetic drugs, and we will pursue all available remedies at our disposal including criminal prosecution.”
Curry said the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office is coordinating with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department to hand-deliver a warning letter to central Indiana retailers to put them on notice that his office will aggressively prosecute any person or business involved in the sale of these dangerous substances. Even if the chemical composition of such items does not match the current statutory definition of synthetic drugs, Curry will still pursue prosecution under laws that prohibit dealing in a substance represented to be a controlled substance or dealing in a look-a-like substance.
Synthetic drugs are made to mirror the highs associated with marijuana or cocaine, but sold openly under the guise of “plant food,” “bath salts,” “potpourri,” “incense” or “spice.” While the packaging is labeled not for human consumption the products are often taken orally, inhaled or injected. These drugs can cause dangerously high body temperatures, racing heart rates, high blood pressure, and permanent organ damage, and the psychotic effect of these substances can last for several days.
“This collaborative effort between state and local officials is intended to send a strong message to businesses who continue to sell synthetic drugs despite the law and the risks to the public,” Zoeller said. “Law enforcement and health officials agree that the danger of having these drugs in the open marketplace and available to the public is significant. It is our responsibility to use the resources available to prevent these unregulated and illegal drugs from being available on the shelves at the corner store.”
The Indiana Attorney General’s Office, Indiana State Police, Indiana State Department of Health, Indiana Department of Revenue, Indiana Board of Pharmacy and Indiana Sheriffs Association have also joined forces on the state level to issue a legal notice to all Indiana retailers.
Zoeller said this statewide notice details the penalties and consequences for legal violations in relation to synthetic drug production and distribution. The document also emphasizes that retailers’ reliance on packaging representations, supplier representations and lab reports are done at their own risk.
The Attorney General’s Office is also asking retailers to sign a “Synthetic Drug Community Protection Agreement” to stop selling the illegal products and relinquish related inventory to the Drug Enforcement Administration. If the agreement is violated, the document will be used to establish the owner’s knowledge of and intent to violate applicable Indiana and federal law.
State legislators added bath salts and more than 60 other substances this year to the list of banned synthetic drugs. Zoeller said criminals alter the chemical make-up of the drugs to include substances not on the list to skirt the law. To help combat this problem the Indiana Board of Pharmacy now has rulemaking authority to add any substances that have been listed by other states or the federal government.
In June, Zoeller hosted an inter-state summit in Evansville to tackle the growing threat of synthetic drugs and small-batch methamphetamine production. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, law enforcement authorities, public health experts and prosecutors’ offices from both states participated in the meeting. Zoeller said this statewide initiative was developed during that meeting and he plans to continue building partnerships with other prosecutors’ offices and law enforcement groups across the state.
To learn more about the Monday crash, see the Tuesday, Sept. 11, News-Banner.When legislators were debating the law, Bluffton High School Principal Steve Baker asked them to help him protect his students. Though it is now several months old, we're republishing the video here.
Monday, September 10, 2012
N-B Video: Let's play water ball
N-B Video: How to escape a straitjacket in "15 seconds"
Friday, September 7, 2012
However, if you want a more cuddly pet, see this week's pets for adoption.

Thursday, September 6, 2012
N-B Video: Fire heavily damages Vera Cruz home Thursday morning
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Architects reveal more depictions of future high school
Dana Wannemacher of the architectural firm Barton, Coe and Vilamaa presented the following options proposals to the board during their meeting. Learn more in the Wednesday, Sept. 5, News-Banner.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Colavita Time Trials Bike Race coming to Bluffton
The Bluffton Parks Department is bringing the Colavita-Zipp Time Trial Series to town on September 16. The race series was founded on providing a professional race experience to anyone with a bicycle. It will bring many visitors to Wells County.
The Chamber of Commerce is putting together visitor bags with coupons, give-a-ways, etc. to be presented to the participants of the race.
If your business would like to include a coupon or item in the visitor bags, please deliver them to the Chamber office by September 7.
We will distribute approximately 250 bags.
These traveling bike races have attracted racers of all age groups, from the experienced to beginner. To register go to
Autocycles land in Bluffton
The vehicles, about 16 feet in length and 6 feet wide in a fiberglass body, resemble small two-seater airplanes using a motorcycle engine for power.
Learn more about their visit in the Tuesday, Sept. 4, News-Banner, and to learn more about the vehicles, click here.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
NWCS board to further refine renovation ideas
The following illustrations depict the architects initial renderings of how the renovations could transform the high school.