On the Beat in Bluffton

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jericho 2010 graduates

Jericho ATCFMI held their graduation ceremony at Life Community Church in the auditorium. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and teachers were either all smiles or shedding a few tears of joy as the students performed the program.

Ashton Chamness, a 3-Day preschooler, started the evening off with leading the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. The 2-Day preschooler’s entertainment included both singing “I will Stand” and reciting scripture from the book of Psalms.

Next, 3-Day preschoolers sang and danced to “If I were a Butterfly” and “The WaWa Song”. Soloists during “The WaWa Song” included Avia Stoller, RieAnn Krinn , and Peri Bussel.

Chuckles rang out in the auditorium as Kindergartners performed their reading theatre piece “Mrs. McTats and Her Houseful of Cats!” They then showed off the skills they learned during music class from their music teacher, Jon Osborn(Senior ICE student from Bluffton Harrison).

While students got into their caps to prepare for the graduation, a slide show previewing pictures from the entire school year was viewed by the crowd.

After a “parade” around the auditorium so parents could get a Kodiak moment, students went on stage one-by-one to the tune of “Pomp and Circumstance” to receive their diplomas from teachers, Cylie Krug(2-Day preschool), Dana Hoopingarner(3-Day preschool) and Jaila Taylor(Kindergarten).

The grand finale included each the Fathers of the students coming up on stage and taking part in praying over their child a prayer of blessing and protection.

Finally, the crowd gathered in the foyer to celebrate the night with cake shaped like a huge crayon box made by Shelly Krinn, a mother of a 3-Day preschooler, and punch.

Fathers praying over their children a prayer of blessing and protection at Jericho's graduation ceremony.

Back Row from Left to Right: Cameron Fry, Ryan Corkwell, Phillip Stoller, Greg Hiday, Jim Geimer
Front Row from Left to Right: Simon Fry, Lucia Corkwell, Elsa Corkwell, Adin Stoller, Avia Stoller, Nicole Hiday, Caleb Geimer

Ashton Chamness leading the crowd in the Pledge of Allegience

(Information and Photos provided)

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