On the Beat in Bluffton

Monday, June 21, 2010

Instead of a tree, perhaps a fountain

I have a suggestion for the southwest corner of Main and Market streets: A fountain.
This idea does not originate with me. I overheard a conversation about it the other day, and I was thinking, you know, that’s a good idea.
So I want to put it out there today and give the body politic something to think about: A fountain on the plaza of the Wells County Courthouse.
I bring no official sanction to this idea. I don’t know if it’s ever been discussed by any formal governmental body with the authority to make it happen (it’s a short list: County Commissioners and County Council). I don’t know if it’s ever been discussed by any beautification committee or service club with the ability to at least raise money for the thing.
It’s just an idea. And I’m tossing it out here....
(Read the rest of Dave's column in today's News-Banner)

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