On the Beat in Bluffton

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Take a sample ISTEP+ test

The Indiana Department of Education has several sample ISTEP+ tests for parents. Below are several multiple-choice questions from the English and language arts test and math test.

The sample tests also have several questions that require written responses.
  • To see the complete English and language arts test for third through fifth grade, click here.
  • To see the complete English and language arts test for sixth through eighth grade, click here.
  • To see the complete math test for third through fifth grade, click here.
  • To see the complete math test for sixth through eighth grade, click here.

You can click on the images for a larger view.

Third grade
• Which sentence would fit BEST on the blank line in this letter?
A. While we are at the lake, we will catch a lot of fish.
B. Let me know if you want to come with us to the lake.

C. Do you like to swim and ride down the river in a canoe?
D. Can you please bring the worms we will need to catch the fish?

Highlight for the answer: B

Fourth grade
• Which of these is a complete sentence?
A. On the sand near the water's edge.
B. Julie and Stella plan to go swimming.
C. When Tom and Brady built a sandcastle.
D. Sandy who likes to walk along the beach.

Highlight for the answer: B

Fifth grade
Read this sentence: Her expression was serene as she relaxed on the beach.

• The word serene comes from the Latin word serenus, meaning "clear, cloudless, untroubled." What does serene MOST LIKELY mean as used in this sentence?
A. amused
B. warm
C. dull
D. peaceful
Highlight for the answer: D

Sixth grade
• Which of these words MOST LIKELY means the same as inducted?
A. visited
B. rejected
C. imitated
D. accepted

Highlight for the answer: D

Seventh grade
• Which of the following is the BEST way to combine sentences 1 and 2?
A. It was very hot that day, so hot that I could see it with my own two eyes.
B. The heat coming off the pavement that summer morning was so powerful I could see it.
C. The hottest day of summer so far, you could see the warmth coming off the pavement.
D. Summer morning was a hot and warm one and you could see it coming off the pavement all the heat.

Highlight for the answer: B

Eighth grade
• These lines from the poem show that the speaker
A. is tired from his climb up the mountain
B. hopes no one will notice he is there
C. appreciates the beauty around him
D. wishes it wouldn't rain

Highlight for the answer: C

Third grade
• Teri gave 2/5 of the set to a friend. Teri sold the rest of the flower pots for $8 each. How much money did Teri earn from the flower pots she sold? Show all your work.

Highlight for the answer: $24 ($8 + $8 + $8 = $24) or other valid response

Fourth grade
Three friends were comparing the number of crackers they ate from their snack bags. The numbers are listed below.

1 3/4 • 7/10 • .25

What is the TOTAL number of crackers the three friends ate in decimal form?

Highlight for the answer: 2.7

Fifth grade
• Which of the following number lines shows the correct placement of the numbers 1.6, 0.75, 1 3/4 and 1/2?

Highlight for the answer: B

Sixth grade
3. Tony ate dinner at a restaurant. His meal cost $14.65, including tax. How much TOTAL will Tony pay for his dinner if he leaves an 18% tip?

B. $14.83
C. $17.29
D. $32.65
Highlight for the answer: C

Seventh grade
A. - 1/8
B. - 1/2
C. - 2
D. - 8

Highlight for the answer: B

Eighth grade

Highlight for the answer: A

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