On the Beat in Bluffton

Saturday, October 31, 2009

BSU students survey 'Aging in Place'

Ball State University students are conducting a survey in and around Bluffton to determine how best to ensure its citizens can remain in their homes comfortably, regardless of their age or condition.
You can read Dave Schultz story in today's News-Banner, and check ut the following video interveiws.

BSO professor Scott Truex explains the survey and Carol Ellinger, director of planning and development for Aging and In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana, explains the concept behind 'Aging in Place.'

Check it out:

1 comment:

aginginplace.com said...

Aging in place is for everyone! I agree with that statement--it's about community and finding solutions to human challenges as we age.

You are right on trend.

Patrick Roden